



Message from CSET’s 研究生和国际项目


We are delighted to welcome you to the 研究生和国际项目’ website at 澳门皇冠体育 (JSU) College of Science, 工程与技术(CSET).

JSU-CSET has a proud tradition of offering a variety of excellent graduate programs with courses taught by dedicated and highly qualified faculty, many of whom are nationally and internationally recognized for their significant contributions to science, 技术, 工程 and 数学 (STEM) fields.  We offer a broad range of high quality STEM degree programs to meet the growing national and international demand for well-trained and highly skilled professionals and 研究ers. Students at JSU-CSET can choose from more than 10 graduate degree programs including the MS in biology, 化学, 计算机科学, 工程, 环境科学, 危险物品管理, 数学, and 技术 education; the MST in 数学 and science education; and the PhD in 化学, 以及环境科学. 除了, efforts are being made to develop and implement a MS in materials science and 工程, and a PhD in 工程 based on our current strategic plan.

研究生 education has become increasingly important to professional development, 职业发展, and fulfillment of national needs in STEM workforce development. Our graduate programs serve as platforms where excellence in scholarship, 研究, 创造力, and innovation are integrated to produce the next generation of STEM leaders of the 21st世纪. All our graduate programs are highly committed to redesigning and transforming graduate STEM education—to recruit, mentor and train talented students as strong leaders ready to tackle the critical issues facing our state, 我们的国家, 这个世界. Our goal is to prepare and produce career-ready scholars with a true competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

我们进行高质量的研究, publish articles in high impact journals and books, and serve on many editorial boards and expert review panels. 最重要的是, we are highly committed to mentoring and training graduate students for successful STEM careers. Our dedicated and caring staff is always available to welcome and assist students with any questions that they may have regarding graduate programs’ policies and procedures.

We also recognize the fact that transnational and international education is becoming increasingly important to train the new generation of STEM leaders who become globally competitive.  因此, the global expansion in international education is critical to the development and success of high quality STEM programs.  在这方面, our mission is to establish and sustain partnerships with international institutions; with the overarching goal of providing opportunities for preparing our undergraduate and graduate students to become effective global STEM leaders. 通过这些努力, we are also attracting international students from abroad to study, 学习, and exchange experiences at our campus. Developing and implementing global education initiatives is essential in providing global understanding, cost-efficient and cost-effective solutions to societal problems, 以及塑造未来的领导者, and sustaining the United States preeminence as a leader in the global economy.

We hope you will find our website informative and user friendly. If you are not a current JSU student, We strongly encourage you to visit our campus, 与教师互动, 教职员和研究生. See for yourself all that 澳门皇冠体育 offers.











